The Eco-lodge

Constructed entirely out of local materials, the award winning Il Ngwesi Lodge is perched on the edge of the Mararoi hills close to the Ngare Ndare river in Laikipia District in Kenya, with breathtaking views towards Samburu as far as the eye can see.



Designed by Simon du Fresne, six spacious rooms accommodate two to four people. Each one offers a slightly different experience, being either tucked away with views up the valley, adjoined to another by rope bridge for families, or overlooking the water hole. All are designed in an ‘open to the bush’ style with opportunities for viewing wildlife, and two have extended verandas for visitors who wish to sleep under the stars in large four poster star beds.

The main house (Il Laikipiak Hall) at the front of the site offers spectacular views to the north and east as well as down to the water hole while the swimming pool area overlooks the valley and provides an excellent spot to relax in during the day. The water hole – fed by pipes from a nearby spring – attracts a wide variety of birds and animals daily and is the life blood for wildlife in this semi-arid part of Kenya. A hide tucked down the hillside in front of the lodge allows visitors to get closer to the water hole and enjoy the bush in utter peace and quiet.



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